Saturday, April 21, 2012

we play at eli's mile high club with cardinal wyrm and ubik from seattle tomorrow (sunday, 4/22).  this is our first trip to the east bay, so hopefully a couple people can make it and we'll all drink and talk about how much cooler house shows are and how there used to be a lot of them. the wyrm will probably crush though, i'm pumped.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Now available directly from us or at Amoeba Records SF, Thrillhouse Records, The Explorist Records, and possibly soon Aquarius Records for the low cost of three bucks.  Sweet looking shiny gold tapes. Email and we'll include postage in the price. 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Thank you to everybody who came to our first show last month. We aren't certain but probably have a radio noise/music session at an art gallery called Evergold in the Tenderloin next Thursday (Feb. 9) for the very talented Josh Short's "Bomb Shelter Radio" series sometime in the evening with awesome bands Reivers and Venkman. Flyer:

Other than that, our tapes should arrive quite soon and we'll be having a release party that shall double as a benefit function for the recently robbed Thrillhouse Records.  It's truly sad that someone who ostensibly cared about punk rock enough to become close with the management of and get keys to Thrillhouse would actually steal from such an awesome place that has done so much to keep the SF punk scene alive.  It is to be hoped that the culprit gets every inch of their just deserts.  Anyway, here's the flyer.  Come watch all the awesome bands (Living Eyes has members of Ceremony, Look Back and Laugh, Talk is Poison, and Punch...yeah...) and buy our tape, buy some records from Thrillhouse, and throw them a few bucks donation if nothing else.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

we're playing a show. no foolin' this time.

We'll be playing january 10 at the fabulous Knockout bar in San Francisco with a couple bands:

Black Tooth

21+, 5 bucks. See you there.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

We're playing a generator show at Mosswood Park in Oakland this Sunday (October 9th). This may not happen, but if it does it'll be the only show we've ever played.  Ha.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Every day is a shitty day.

We're here now, and we have prepared a nine and one half minute statement by which to introduce ourselves. It doesn't even have a name yet, but you can download it on mediafire at this address: Spectre demotape recorded at Dutch Oven Studios.  One track, all five songs performed without stopping.