Thursday, February 2, 2012

Thank you to everybody who came to our first show last month. We aren't certain but probably have a radio noise/music session at an art gallery called Evergold in the Tenderloin next Thursday (Feb. 9) for the very talented Josh Short's "Bomb Shelter Radio" series sometime in the evening with awesome bands Reivers and Venkman. Flyer:

Other than that, our tapes should arrive quite soon and we'll be having a release party that shall double as a benefit function for the recently robbed Thrillhouse Records.  It's truly sad that someone who ostensibly cared about punk rock enough to become close with the management of and get keys to Thrillhouse would actually steal from such an awesome place that has done so much to keep the SF punk scene alive.  It is to be hoped that the culprit gets every inch of their just deserts.  Anyway, here's the flyer.  Come watch all the awesome bands (Living Eyes has members of Ceremony, Look Back and Laugh, Talk is Poison, and Punch...yeah...) and buy our tape, buy some records from Thrillhouse, and throw them a few bucks donation if nothing else.